Sunday, November 14, 2010

Basketball Pom Routine

The girls were able to take the
routine they learned for the
UTC Mocs
halftime performance
and turn it into a
pom routine for basketball season!

They did a great job with it!

Click HERE to see video!

HMS Flygirls taught elementary students some dance moves!

The HMS Flygirls
were invited to Wallace A. Smith Elementary's
annual SOCK HOP
to help teach dance moves to the kindergarten-2nd graders!

The girls had a great time,
and the elementary kids seemed to be having
a ball too!

Some of their HMS classmates got in on the fun too,
dressing like 50s dancers,
complete with poodle skirts!

They taught the kids how to
TWIST (click for video)....

and the LOCAMOTION (click for video)
was also a HUGE hit!

The girls were great role models,
and their hard work and enthusiasm
was greatly appreciated!

Great job, Flygirls!